Artemis Lore

Artemis Lore

Spiritual Practitioner

Feel free to ask me anything! You can also schedule a Tarot reading with me. Just keep in mind that life doesn't come with guarantees. With an intuitive reading, I can offer insights into what lies ahead. I rely on my intuition and various techniques to provide guidance. Sometimes, it's beneficial to chat with someone and gain clarity on matters like relationships, finances, and life choices.

Artemis Lore


  • Consultation
    "Embark on a transformative journey with me in just 15 minutes. Experience clarity, guidance, and spiritual insight tailored specifically to you. Whether you're seeking answers, direction, or simply a moment of peace, I'm here to support you every step of the way."
    15 min
  • 30 Minute Reading
    Are you feeling lost or uncertain about the direction of your life? My psychic readings offer clarity and guidance to help you navigate life's twists and turns. With my intuitive abilities, I'll delve into the energies surrounding you to provide insights into your relationships, career, and personal growth.
    30 min

About Me

"You never know where life's journey will take you. Perhaps our encounter will open new doors for you too." My psychic abilities began to emerge years ago, and with my background in Metaphysical practices and Anthropological studies, I'm here to offer guidance and assistance to anyone who seeks it.

My sessions cost anywhere from $30 to $200 and can last between 30 minutes to 3 hours. I offer the option to break the sessions into 30-minute increments for your convenience, whether it's through phone, text, or video chat, so you don't feel overwhelmed.

For years, I've been exploring different spiritual paths, finding that Christianity and Buddhism weren't the right fit for me. Surprisingly, Wicca opened up new perspectives and transformed me physically, mentally, and emotionally over time. Along my spiritual journey, I delved into learning Hoodoo, inspired by my ancestors and spirit guides. Despite being deeply involved in esoteric practices, I've always had a strong desire to help others, connecting with hundreds of people through podcasting and teaching classes.



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  • Address

    Los Angeles, CA

  • Email


  • Intuition

    "I have the ability to see both the present and the future using a skill called Remote Viewing. Depending on the topic of conversation, I can tap into that energy and provide you with information about what's happening. I use tools like Tarot cards and pendulums to help me, and I can offer clarity, answers, and insights to the questions you have."