Eric Callaway

Eric Callaway

STEM Tutor

Part-time private educator in software engineering technologies. Full-time software developer. I have obtained a Master of Science in Computer Science and and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering. I love teaching anything and everything software related.
Eric Callaway


  • Computer Science Tutoring Session (30 min.)
    A thirty-minute, hands on computer science tutoring session.
    30 min
  • Computer Science Tutoring Session (60 min.)
    An hour long, hands on computer science tutoring session.
    60 min
  • FREE Consultation (15 min.)
    This is a free 15 minute consultation. I'm a professional in the software industry. I have a Master of Science in Computer Science and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering. The goal of this session is to discuss what the student's requests and expectations are from me. I look forward to assisting you with getting better!
    15 min

Recurring sessions

  • Computer Science Tutoring Session (60 min.)
    Two hour long, hands on computer science tutoring sessions.
    60 min
  • Computer Science Tutoring Session (60 min.)
    Three hour long, hands on computer science tutoring sessions.
    60 min

About Me

Certified tutor with a Master of Science in Computing and Data Science, and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering. I tutor for computer science topics including basic programming, learning programming languages, database administration, operating systems, data structures and algorithms, and more! I excel at creating programming applications, mainly machine learning applications. My teaching style is very project based, I believe as an engineer you cannot claim you understand something unless you can build it yourself. I believe the student should spend more time building applications themselves in order to learn the technology. It is very important to me that every student understands programming and computer science topics through practice and building. Let's work to get smarter together!


  • Email

  • Phone


  • Linkedin


  • Python

    Expert proficiency in the Python programming language

  • SQL

    Expert in database administration and SQL language constructs.

  • Data Structures and Algorithms

    Proficient in data structures and algorithms.

  • Operating Systems

    Proficient in the Windows, Mac, and Linux (Kali, Ubuntu) operating systems.

  • Machine Learning

    Proficient in machine learning applications.

  • Artificial Intelligence

    Proficient in artificial intelligence concepts and applications.

  • Software Testing

    I'm currently employed as an Associate QA Engineer. My daily activities involve software testing, application testing, and overall quality assurance of the software applications. I also have obtained a certification from the University of Minnesota in the course "Introduction to Software Testing".

  • Java

    I'm fluent in the Java language including frameworks such as JUnit and Swing