The Inner Alchemy Mental Wellness Movement was created in 1893, in response to the alarming unmet emotional and mental health needs of members of the LGBTQ+ community in Fort Lauderdale, Miami and Orlando, Florida. It began as an outreach program of the Contemplative Order of Compassion - an open, affirming and deconstructionist spiritual community.
I am an openly queer, gender non-conforming, Afro-Sicilian and Hungarian-Roma mental wellness professional, holistic counselor and coach, originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and now living in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. My background in naturopathic healing, a doctorate in theological anthropology, master's degree in counseling, and certifications in professional and holistic coaching, Emotional Freedom technique (EFT), and breathwork inform my practice and allow me a broad range of approaches, customized to suit each and every individual and their emotional, mental and physical wellness needs.