RevJason Carson Wilson

RevJason Carson Wilson

Life Coach

Have you come to a crossroads? Are you searching for a new life purpose? Are you recovering from childhood trauma? Let Jason Carson Wilson lead you on a transformation journey that will #REVISEYOURLIFE.

RevJason Carson Wilson


  • Transformation Conversation
    Learn how working with Revision Coaching can help you #REVISEYOURLIFE
    30 min
  • One-Time Session
    One-time life coaching session
    60 min

About Me

My job as an expert in my field with years of experience is to provide you with career-related advice. I am well-versed and well-educated. Allow me to bring that concept to life.


  • Email


  • Life Purpose Coaching

    I help clients discover their life purpose

  • Spiritual Coaching

    I help clients from all faith traditions (or none) discover their preferred spiritual practice

  • Career Coaching

    I help clients search for and prepare for the career that fulfills them

  • Group Coaching

    I help groups transform their life through coaching


  • Founder

    Revision Coaching

    Coaching since Feb. 2019

    Feb 2024 - Present